Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Make your Facebook Account much faster

Now you can make your Facbook log in much faster by linking it with you other IM account. It is easier and faster to log in your Facbook Account with no prob.

How does it work?
If you have link your  Facbook account with an Email ID, when you log your Email, and browse Facbook page it automatically loads your linked Facbook account. For e.g:, If you have connected your Facbook with your Yahoo Account (sreezan@yahoo.com) and browse Facbook on another Tab, your Facbook account will be automatically loaded.

How to Link Facbook with an Email Account?
- Log in your Facbook account

- Go to Account Settings
- Click on Change on Link Account
- Choose your IM Account (Yahoo!)
- It asks your Facbook password, apply your Facbook password
-Then it opens your IM (yahoomail.com)
- Now enter your IM email (yahoo eamil)
- Enter password for yahoo account
(Now whenever you log your yahoo account in, and browse Facbook automatically logs in.)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Creating a User Log in Form Microsoft Access 2003!

This User Log in Form Sample is desinged in Microsoft Access 2003, including VBA programming, which can interactively allow users to log in to the next form or to the main form with a Valid User Name and Password.

Figure 1
The Combo Box in the form will help users to collect username from the Table (in this Project as tblUserAccount) with is connected with DLookup function in VBA programming.
Figure 2
Coming to the Project, at first create a table with a detailed fields as above figure mo 2, and keep some neccessary record for your further use.
Then create a Form having following properties,
On the Log in button write the following VBA code.

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
'To ignore null values
If IsNull(Me.cboUserName) Or Me.cboUserName.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid User Name or contact to your Administrator!", vbInformation, "User Name required!"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid Password!", vbInformation, "Password required!"
Exit Sub
End If
'To check avaibility of User Account and return the value
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "tblUserAccount", "[UserID]=" & Me.cboUserName.Value) Then
UserID = Me.cboUserName.Value
a = UserName
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogin", acSaveNo
MsgBox "Welcome '" & UserID & "' to My World!", vbInformation, "Congratulations!"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWelcome"
MsgBox "User Name or Password, you typed do not MATCHE!", vbExclamation, "Incorrect Password!"
cboUserName.Value = ""
txtPassword.Value = ""
End If
' If log in attempt is wrong for more than three times than close the application
intLogOnAttempts = intLogOnAttempts + 1
If intLogOnAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "Sorry! You have applied Invalid Password. You do not have access to the database, please consider with your Administrator.", vbCritical, "Restricted User!"
End If
End Sub

If your User Name and password is correct than a form as below will appears..

Now run you User Log in Form.
Thank you,